Monday 7 March 2011

Dipping a toe...

Following much encouragement from my dear wife, here is my first attempt at a blog. Having given a lot of thought to what I would blog about and failing to come up with anything, I'm going to start with exactly that for my subject material: anything! be it comic or serious, sacred or secular, profound or nonsensical. At least until I work out what I'm really doing on here!

  • The father of the righteous will greatly rejoice, and he who begets a wise child will delight in him
A large part of my life at the moment  is my little boy, Joseph, so these posts will naturally reflect that. I know that I'm biased, but he is the sweetest little fellow! Just a few short years ago I would never have believed that I could have enjoyed fatherhood so much. After a stressful day at work his smile can wipe away a bad mood and brighten me up no end. OK, he has his moments, but generally speaking I think we've been blessed with a very well behaved and happy little baby. Best of all, he really seems to appreciate having a total loon for a dad. Even changing a nappy can be a tremendous source of entertainment for both of us. At the time of writing this he has just turned three months old and sometimes those three months feel like three days. At other times it's like he's always been part of my life. Now I need to be a father and hope to raise him as best as I can. Make no mistake, when I speak of being a father I am not talking about mere biological fact. I have to be so much more to him than the source of part of his genetic material! I have been fortunate enough in my life to experience the love of a wonderful dad who loved me from the cradle, and to have gained the experience of the love of another Father in Heaven. Now the responsibility falls to me to live up to the example of the first and to help him enter into the second. In the process I hope to grow with him.

I suggest that anybody reading this who wants to learn a bit more of our adventures with Joseph so far reads Esther's new mum diary.

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